42 youth organisations
14 countries
14 project partnerships
Generation Europe – The Academy is an international network of youth work organisations and a funding programme for European cooperation. We want social participation for all. Young people raise their voices and take action: in their local communities and across all boundaries. Together, we are contributing to an active and inclusive European citizenship.
We are getting involved
Act local – connect European – think global! More than 40 youth work organisations from 14 European countries are taking part. The concept: In each case, youths from three countries continually collaborate over a duration of three years in order to get involved in society.
Jugendamt der Stadt Bochum (Bochum, Germany)
Meta Cooperativa Sociale Onlus (Rome, Italy)
Oficina Fermento (Évora, Portugal)
Jugendtreff Parkhaus (Oberhausen, Germany)
Outward Bound Romania (Tigru Mures, Romania)
MTÜ Noored Toredate Mõtetega (Tartu, Estonia)
Mediencooperative Steinfurt e.V. (Steinfurt, Germany)
Telšių jaunimo centras (Telsiai, Lithuania)
DUGA – Deutsch-Ukrainische Gemeinschaft der Jugendarbeit (Lviv, Ukraine)
Werkstatt Berufskolleg im Kreis Unna (Unna, Germany)
Esplora (Itri, Italy)
Oulun Nuoret Kotkat Piirijärjestö ry (Oulu, Finland)
Krea-Jugendclub der Kreativitätsschule (Bergisch Gladbach, Germany)
SMouTh – Synergy of Music Theatre (Larissa, Greece)
Centro di Creazione e Cultura APS (Florence, Italy)
Jugendakademie Walberberg e.V. (Bornheim, Germany)
Szubjektív Értékek Alapítvány (Budapest, Hungary)
Maximilian-Kolbe-Haus DMK (Gdańsk, Poland)
Europäische Jugendbildungs- und Jugendbegegnungsstätte Weimar in cooperation with Kinder- und Jugendclub Kramixxo & Waggong (Weimar, Germany)
Youth Coop – Cooperativa para o Desenvolvimento e Cidadania CRL (Sintra, Portugal)
KacsaKő Közösségépítő Egyesület (Budapest, Hungary)
Jugendsozialwerk – JSW Management e. V. (Nordhausen, Germany)
Asociación para la Participación, Oportunidad y Desarrollo (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain)
Fundacja Krzyżowa dla Porozumienia Europejskiego (Krzyżowa, Poland)
Active from 10/2021 to 5/2023:
Kinder- und Jugendhilfe-Verbund Lübeck im KJSH-Trägerverbund (Lübeck, Germany)
DUGA – Deutsch-Ukrainische Gemeinschaft der Jugendarbeit (Lviv, Ukraine)
Euphoria Youth Lab (Athens, Greece)
Jugendtreff HOT Sinzig (Sinzig, Germany) – active until 06/2024
Càlam. Art, Educació, Sostenibilitat (Barcelona, Spain)
Kungsbacka kommun (Kungsbacka, Sweden)
Pädagogisches Institut München (Munich, Germany)
Fundacja Borussia (Olsztyn, Poland)
Irènia (La nou de Berguedà, Spain)
Next Level e.V. (Erfurt, Germany)
IRSE – Fundacja Instytut Równowagi Społeczno-Ekonomicznej (Gdańsk, Poland)
Une Terre Culturelle (Marseille, France)
Jugendwerk der Arbeiterwohlfahrt Württemberg e.V. (Stuttgart, Germany)
Madiba Società Cooperativa Sociale (Beinasco, Italy)
Fundación Federico Ozanam (Zaragoza, Spain)
Caritasverband Koblenz e.V. (Koblenz, Germany)
Awesome People (Örebro, Sweden)
Asociatia „Un strop de fericire” (Ploiești, Romania)
Internationales Forum Burg Liebenzell (Bad Liebenzell, Germany)
Associazione Interculturale NUR (Cagliari, Italy)
Kids in Action (Thessaloniki, Greece)