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Happy Holidays: Looking Back on a Year Full of Action

Another exciting and extraordinary year full of action is nearing its end. It’s hard to believe how much fits into a single year of Generation Europe – The Academy! Let’s have a look back:

The end of this year is a good time to send out a huge thank you to all of you – you are real superheroes! Thank you to more than 600 young people from 14 European countries who, in addition to school, work and other commitments, have investet their free time to network across Europe and make a difference in their communities. Thank you to all the youth work professionals from the participating youth organisations who are working far beyond their normal working hours. And, of course, thank you to our funders who make all this possible with their financial support.

Looking back at this extraordinary twelve months of action, we send you warm season’s greetings and wish you a happy new year. The power of this network is outstanding. But now let’s sit back for a moment and take a deep breath before we start into the new year. See you in 2025, for many more exciting adventures!