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Connecting the Youths of Örebro

The local group of Generation Europe – The Academy in Örebro, Sweden recently came together at the office of our project partner Awesome People for a whole weekend. While working on their local action plan, they came up with a great idea: They want to create a website to help other young folks to find after school activities and hobby clubs.

Creating the web design...

Why does Örebro need such a new web service? When discussing how they can contribute to improving the situation of youths in their city, it quickly became clear how important stable networks and joint activities are for the well-being and mental health. So they started with concept development and web design. To promote the upcoming website, they also started designing posters and planned how to display them in schools and other places.

During the weekend, the local group also prepared the programme for a cultural evening on the youth encounter in Zarnesti, Romania, where they will meet with their project partners from Germany and Romania from 24 July to 4 August. We are curious about how the local project in Örebro will continue, and what there is to report from the youth encounter in Romania! Thumbs up and carry on!