A wonderful video about the youth encounter in the Ruhr area, Germany has reached us from our partnership no. 2: In this partnership, young people from Oberhausen (Germany), Tigru Mures (Romania) and Tartu (Estonia) work together. What are they doing there? See for yourself in the eight-minute short film the group published on Facebook:

This is not the first time that the activists have documented their commitment in such a moving way. Their video about the 2020 youth encounter in Estonia and many shorter clips from the 2019 encounter in Romania, which they have published on their Facebook page, are also worth every look!
By the way, don’t get confused: With the current funding period, the Generation Europe network has grown further and there have been a few bureaucratic changes. That’s why the partnership’s Facebook page is still called “Partnership 11”, even though they are now our Partnership 2. Sorry for the confusion – things are what they are. And how great that you continue to document your work in such a passionate way!