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Save the Date: European Youth Work Symposium 2024

In November 2023, we discussed the major challenges that youth work is facing at the international symposium “Youth Work in Europe – Mission (Im)possible?“. We are delighted to announce the continuation of this innovative format for dialogue, debate and networking:

Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers
European Youth Work Symposium 2024
Monday, 28 October 2024
Dortmunder U – Centre for Art and Creativity
Leonie-Reygers-Terrasse, 44137 Dortmund

We warmly invite you to join us now: At the event, young people and youth work professionals from many European countries will come together with representatives from politics, administration and academia. We will put our heads together and jointly develop solutions to the problems that youth work is currently confronted with. This year’s focus is on the question: How do we want to network and what barriers do we need to overcome in order to secure and sustainably develop youth work in Europe so that it can fulfil its tasks of fostering democracy, mutual understanding and social participation?

The International Association for Education and Exchange (IBB e.V.) has been working with a network of youth organisations from all over Europe since 2008. More than 40 organisations from 14 European countries are involved in the current programme “Generation Europe – The Academy” and are linked together in trilateral partnerships. Experts and young people from the network will contribute their experience and expertise at the event.

Details on registration and the detailed programme will follow. Please save the date now! We look forward to your participation, because especially in challenging times, a well-founded youth policy is more important than ever, as one of the bases for democracy and social participation!

Videos and a comprehensive documentation of the 2023 symposium can be found here.