Downloads for project partners

You may find the German versions of these documents on the German version of the website. Please use the language selection at the top. (Die deutschen Versionen der Dokumente finden Sie jeweils auf der deutsch-sprachigen Seite. Diese erreichen Sie, indem Sie oben auf die Sprachauswahl klicken.)


General documents for project partners

Guidelines of the project Generation Europe

On your website, in press releases or other publications regarding Generation Europe, please use logos below. As an example how the logos could be arranged we added an paper template:

Paper template for Generation Europe with all the logos

Logopack Generation Europe (web)
Logo Generation Europe (print)

Logo IBB e.V. (web)
Logo IBB e.V. (print)

Logo NRW (web)
Logo NRW (print)

Logo BMFSFJ (web)
Logo BMFSFJ (print)

Logo Erasmus+ Youth in Action (web)
Logo Erasmus+ Youth in Action (print)

Logo Stiftung Mercator (web)
Logo Stiftung Mercator (print)

Logo MSGJFS Schleswig-Holstein (web)

Logo MBJS Brandenburg (web)

Logo TMBJS Thuringia (web)
Logo TMBJS Thuringia (print)

Logo City of Munich (web)

in connection with the following sentence:

Generation Europe is a programme of the International Association for Education and Exchange (IBB), funded by the federal state of North RhineWestphalia, Erasmus+ Youth in Action, the BMFSFJ, Stiftung Mercator, the TMBJS Thuringia, the MSGJFS Schleswig-Holstein, the MBJS Brandenburg and the city of Munich, Department of Education and Sports.

Handouts for project partners

(coming soon)


Online Escape Room – Environmental Scandal in Little Town

Here you find all the necessary documents for the escpe game “Environmental Scandal in Little Town”.

Working Sheet Toxics

EAW_Chapter 4

Video: Exploring the location

Alex JanovichLouis BoucherOle Strömqvist, and  Peter Janovich

Escape Room: Chapter 5